Alright, Christmas is almost here. I hope these serene farm photos can help calm any stress you are having with last minute Christmas preparations. If you are here to find recipe ideas for the holiday, use the search bar in the right hand sidebar. If you are here looking for lavender gift ideas, visit our website If you are just here to...
Just more pretty photo spam for your blog feed today. Its too late to order online and get deliveries before Christmas. But our shop is open and you are welcome to order and we will do our best to get orders out as quickly as possible. I'm pretty sure a lavender bath would be the perfect cure after a tiring holiday. Just hollar...
The holidays are here and some changes will be taking place at the Lavender Apple come January 1st. I wanted to make sure I shared some wonderful photos of the farm here this week before I signed off for Christmas. So this week, the posts will be dedicated just to the beauty that is the Lavender Apple farm. We are so grateful for...
Just a simple photo on the blog today for "Farm Friday". This is our old Ford Truck. Its been a heavy duty work truck for us for many years. She is still going strong and is such a fun little vehicle to drive around in. Of course, now that our roads are covered in snow, it's not going much of anywhere. Hope you...
As a blogger one of my favorite things to do is to look back through old photos in the archives. So much life happens and having a blog is a great way to preserve it. Todays post is a round up of our most popular recipe posts of 2016. There are some delicious recipes here, so if you didn't get to try them...
Obviously living on a farm with an apple orchard, we have learned how to store apples for longer term use after our harvest. Here a few tips to help you when you want to keep your produce, specifically apples lasting longer. To maximize apple shelf life, wrap each apple in newspaper before place it in a basket. If one apple goes bad, the...
Well the snow is here and the lavender is long gone, but its nice to remember what our farm looked like just a few short weeks ago. Love the pop of purple next to all the rustic colors of fall on our farm. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. ...