

8:01 AM
When written in Chinese the word CRISIS is composed of two characters. One represents DANGER and the other OPPORTUNITY.FEAR NOT, BE OF GOOD CHEER. THE FUTURE IS A BRIGHT AS OUR FAITH!! -Pres. Thomas S. Monson ...

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Peggy's Pesto and more recipes...

9:19 AM
RUN don't walk and go buy yourself a basil plant. You say you don't have a garden! Do you have a sunny spot and water? Then you have the beginnings of a garden. To start your garden plant a basil plant in a good size pot. As it grows keep plucking off the leaves and make yourself or family some of the many...

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RECIPES, you'll love

5:02 PM
Notice, each wednesday will be recipe day.  look for some recipes this wednesday...YUM! Notice, each wednesday will be recipe day.  look for some recipes this wednesday...YUM! ...

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My Kids

11:27 AM
This is our Cat Esme.  For you "Twilight" fans you'll recognize the name.  She loves to sit and sleep on the chase lounge on my deck. Unfortunately Esme can't come in the house due to some people with allergies. never the less she is a good outside cat that is starting to bring me little treats each day( mice).  The great thing is she loves the...

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9:32 AM
GIRL-FRIENDSEvery girl needs a girlfriend!  I am very fortunate to have girlfriends all over the country and world.  Here is a picture of my Park City girl-friends.  They are right to left...Sue,  Gwen, Sheree, Sandy, Sandy, me, Cindy and Liz.  I met them all in Park City years ago, with the exception of Sheree.  Sheree and I go way back to the "Alpha...

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