
"Mon Sherry", cooking with Sherry...

8:14 AM


5:07 PM

Easter Dinner

3:05 PM
This is Brooke, Peggy's daughter. I am posting this picture to show off my moms fabulous and delicious Easter Dinner. Potatoes au gratin, roasted asparagus, chevre salad, Lawry's seasoned spinach and baked ham. yum. I think my mom needs to post the recipes for all of these, what do you think? :)I also wanted to let you know I am the reason her...

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8:39 AM
So what the heck is "Eggs on the golden rod"? it's a fantastic, simple meal that gets rid of those extra Easter eggs, and left over ham. My mother made this every year right after Easter. Above are our leftover Easter eggs. You can't tell from the picture , but they are what a farmer would call a pee wee egg. Even a...

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