
Easter Desert Idea - Heavenly Berries

6:25 AM
If you have been a long term reader of our blog, you may remember an easter recipe I shared years ago called Heavenly Berries. We have so many new readers here that I thought I would share it again because it is one of my favorites!  Heavenly Berries is a scrumptious combination of meringue, creams and berries.  It taste HEAVENLY.   If you...

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Lamb Ideas for Easter Dinner

6:21 AM
We have hosted our share of animals here on the farm over the years, but by far some of the most interesting were our sheep. Peggy has a dark sense of humor, and when she decided to raise sheep for easter one year, she came up with the most wicked names.  Please meet "Bob" (shish kabob)  and meet "Stew" (lamb stew)  These fun...

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chocolate chips

Kitchen Sink Cookies

5:56 AM
These cookies are a Nelson family favorite! They are chewy, crunchy, and full of goodness. The reason these cookies are called "Kitchen Sink Cookies is because they pretty much have everything but the kitchen sink in them. They use a ton of ingredients, which is great if you are wanting to clean out your pantry, and also great because they are packed full...

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InstaFriday March #4

12:06 PM
Can you believe its already the last week in March? Where does the time go? We are counting the days until all of this snow melts and spring arrives at our farm again. Don't get me wrong, this cozy snow is beautiful, but we prefer pretty purple flowers a little bit more. Enjoy this weeks round of Insta Friday! For some reason our...

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Giveaway Winner!

3:43 PM
As you know, we started an instagram account over at the Lavender Apple this year. (Search for us on instagram at the.lavender.apple) We hosted a giveaway here yesterday and were so pleased to see all of the entries even though we are a relatively new account. We really do appreciate all of our loyal customers who support local family owned businesses. We really...

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Beef & Barley Stew

7:48 AM
I love making dishes with ingredients that aren't your every day foods. Barley is an inexpensive and relatively easy ingredient to find, yet vastly under utilized in the kitchen. Barley is a wonderfully versatile grain with a rich nutlike flavor and an appealing pasta-like consistency. Tonight my husband made us a rich stew with delicious beef and barley, wonderful compliments to one another.  Ingredients:  1.5...

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Green Salad with Almonds & Orange Dressing

8:34 AM
Here is another delicious salad that comes directly from Peggy's recipe book. I love citrus salads. There is something about the sweet dressing that meets the savory crunch in this salad that will just make your taste buds sing.  Salad Ingredients:  1 large head red leaf lettuce 1 red onion thinly sliced 2 oranges peeled and thinly sliced 1 small jicama peeled and...

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InstaFriday March #3

12:03 PM
When Mike isn't buried with Lavender projects, sometimes he takes out his camera and makes magic. #country #smalltown #photography #Wyoming #church #steeple #cross A photo posted by Lavender Apple (@the.lavender.apple) on Jan 27, 2015 at 4:35am PST I spy... #guarddog #lavender #dogsofinstagram #farmdog #lavender #organic #essentialoils #naturalproducts #ispy #farm #flowers A photo posted by Lavender Apple (@the.lavender.apple) on Jan 28, 2015 at 4:40am...

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How to use Lavender Salt

10:29 AM
We make a delicious Lavender Salt here on the farm. It's something most people have never seen or thought to use. Lavender Salt actually has many diverse uses. It makes a fragrant rub for lamb or chicken. It adds an unusual and subtle flavor to freshly cooked vegetables. Sprinkle a little lavender salt on any type of fish filet with a little olive oil...

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Lavender Lemon Poppyseed Waffles

7:23 AM
In my house, I live with two men. When it comes to breakfast, a hearty meat and egg filled dish is usually what wins the vote in our house. But on the rare occasion I get to make breakfast for myself, with no thought of the testosterone filled men in my life, waffles is what I always default to. I love a fluffy,...

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Lavender Lemonade

8:15 AM
When you live and work on a farm like us, you need something to quench your thirst. Lemonade is such a wonderful pick me up during hot and dry afternoons. And you know you can't live on a lavender farm and not change up every day ordinary lemonade into lavender lemonade, am I right?  Not only is lavender lemonade delicious and refreshing, its...

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heavy cream

English Lavender Scones

7:40 AM
When we lived in Paris, pastries were a big part of our lives. Scones are such a wonderful treat, and when paired with our english lavender, they become this unique crumbly and buttery delight. They are perfect for breakfast or brunch, of even an evening desert!  Ingredients:  2 cups pastry flour 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/3 cup cold butter 1 cup...

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InstaFriday March #2

12:01 PM
Do you follow our instagram account? If not, you should! Find us on instagram at the.lavender.apple We post photos every weekday, and occasionally have fun contests and giveaways! Lavender lotion stick and lavender lip balm, my two favorite essential winter products! Follow us and like this photo, tag a friend for a chance to win these perfect purse size products! #tagafriend #instacontest #lavenderproducts...

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