
Insta Friday August Week 4

4:21 AM
Did you know Mike and Peggy snuck away to The Keys for a quick 40th wedding anniversary this year? It was right in the middle of harvest time, but it was important to celebrate such a milestone. They may have even taken a quick trip with their grandson to visit a certain mouse at his magical castle in Florida too... And yes, lavender...

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Lavender Cottage

4:51 AM
Welcome back! Yesterday we covered how we harvest and bundle our lavender. After its all bundles, we quickly bring it into our climate controlled lavender cottage. There we hang each bundle in equally spaced rows to dry.  Once dry, then we can box, pack, and ship all these beautiful dried bundles to you!  Feel free to let us know if you have any...

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Lavender Bundling

4:48 AM
Harvest week is such a hectic time here on the farm. We only have a small window of time when our lavender has bloomed perfectly to get it all cut, bundled, and hung to dry. We get a lot of requests from people to come join us on harvest day and watch or help with the process, so here's a little insiders peak...

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dog soap

Lavender Dogs

4:42 AM
We love our dogs here on the farm. We have had several of them over the years and all of them have been absolute sweethearts. Farm dogs seem to me to be the happiest of all the dogs. All the room they could possibly want to roam around, lots of critters to chase, and lots of hard working farmers to love you.  We...

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Lovely Lavender

4:26 AM
Sometimes I have no words when it comes to these beautiful purple plants. Harvest time is my favorite season here on the lavender farm, and its not hard to see why.  Hope you all have a relaxing day! Happy Monday! ...

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Insta Friday August Week 3

4:18 AM
Do you follow the.lavender.apple on instagram? If you do, then you probably didn't miss the announcement about our very first Lavender Days festival this year! We host fun giveaways on our instagram account too, so make sure you like and follow.  Have a wonderful weekend. Hope its full of relaxing summer fun.  Our very first Lavender Days is happening at the farm this...

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Lavender Quotes

4:02 AM
“There are some things, after all, that Sally Owens knows for certain: Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender, for luck. Fall in love whenever you can.”  ― Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic “When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the...

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Country Architecture

4:35 AM
As I've mentioned on this blog before, Mike Nelson is a wonderful photographer. There is lots of beautiful country side up here at the Lavender Apple, and he just seems to capture it beautifully.  Well, maybe not all of it is so beautiful.... but its interesting none the less! Lets all just give a quick little prayer of thanks for the advances in...

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Our Favorite Lavender Crafts

4:23 AM
One thing I often see people doing when they purchase lavender bundles from us is turning them into lavender wreaths like the one pictured below. Its a very fun (and fragrant) project. If you don't want to put together your own, we are happy to assemble the wreaths for you and sell them as a whole. Just call us via the number on...

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Lavender Bundles

5:08 AM
This week on instagram I had someone ask me if we sold lavender bundles. Do we sell lavender bundles? We have lavender bundles coming out of our ears! Yes. We sell these beautiful little bundles. Come find us at the Salt Lake Farmers Market, or you can contact us via our website or comment on this blog post. We sell them by the...

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InstaFriday August Week 2

4:16 AM
Remember that little social media platform called Instagram? Do you follow along with us there yet? If not, you should! Look at all the gorgeous fun your missing out on.  Have a wonderful weekend! Our first farmers market of the year tomorrow! Come grab these all natural reusable lavender dryer bags on special for just $6! #saltlake #farmersmarket #slcfarmersmarket #saltlakefarmersmarket #thelavenderapple #lavender #dryerbags...

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Harvest Time

4:56 AM
You may have noticed this blog is a little light on our normal recipe posts this month. That's just because when harvest time rolls around we just have so much fun stuff going on that creating new recipes kind of takes a back burner to the main event here, our lavender.  He's single ladies!  Hope you are enjoying all these behind the scenes...

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