
grandkids in the garden!

11:35 PM
Picking Vegetables! what are grandchildren for if you can't put them to work. Notice the mud. They had a ball getting really dirty. Thanks Max and Mimi for your help! love Grandma Peggy Picking Vegetables! what are grandchildren for if you can't put them to work. Notice the mud. They had a ball getting really dirty. Thanks Max and Mimi for your help!...

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Julia and me

10:26 PM
" This is a book for the servantless American cook who can be unconcerned on occasion with budgets, waistlines, time schedules, children's meals, etc..."  This  is the first sentence in the forward of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"Me, I'm not a movie critic, but I have to give the new Movie "Julia and Julie" 2 big thumbs up.  Mind you I might...

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10:23 PM