

9:05 PM

I would like to start off by saying "All my hard work payed off" but in reality, I was an absent and neglectful gardener this year.  Oh, I always have good intentions of tending to my garden, vowing not to let the weeds take over.  Then the Lavender takes over my life, and it's bye bye garden and hello weeds.  But as you can see My garden wasn't a total waste.  I'm actually harvesting some beautiful veggies.  All you have to do is wade through the weeds to get to them.  My next few blogs will be about all the vegetables from my garden.  The first recipe I got while living in France.  I took an Extensive cooking course from a lady Named "Anne Trager".  She was the personal chef to one of the "Rothchilds".  As I'm looking at my notes from that class.  That day we did several other recipes like... Omelette rubanee, coulie de tomatoes fraiches (egg terrine,with pureed tomatoes) Navarin d' agneau au gingermbre (lamb shoulder in ginger sauce} pommes Anna ( a wonderful potatoes and butter dish) and Crepes soufflees au citron (crepes filled with lemon souffle).  Then the very simple recipe Called "sweet and Tangy cucumber pickles" You can make this recipe all year round but nothing is better than using cucumbers right out of the garden.  Enjoy and Bon Appetite,  Peggy

Sweet and Tangy Cucumber chips

2 Medium cucumbers
1 Tbs. olive oil
pinch of red chili flakes
1/2 tsp. crushed garlic
1/2 Tbs. soy sauce
1 Tbs. sugar
1/2 Tbs. cider vinegar

Peel cucumbers and cut in half length wise.  Degorge (scrape out the middle) cut into "batonnets" 
(slices).  Sprinkle with salt and let drain a few minutes.  In a skillet heat oil, saute garlic and chili flakes being carefaul not to burn.  Add cucumbers and sauté for 1 minutes over high heat.  Remove from heat add soy sauce, sugar and vinegar season to taste.  

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