Every year we harvest our Lavender. The first year we planted we were able to harvest ourselves, but as the years have gone by and our lavender has grown we have needed to employ some extra hands. And these hands belong to some wonderful young people with a lot more energy and stamina than us older folk. (Below and above are just...
Fall in Cache Valley is simply spectacular! Below are some pictures of the old barn located on the dirt road that takes you to our lavender and apple farm. I also added some gorgeous photos taken of the Logan Canyons. Country living at its best. Below are some gorgeous pictures that capture the beauty and spectacular views as you drive through the Logan...
Tis the season to collect all those delicious vine ripe tomatoes and create something fabulous with them. As you know, I'm a big fan of roasting veggies. Their flavor becomes more rich through the roasting process. Each season I roast my tomatoes. I like to make spaghetti sauce, soups and stews with them. Roasted Tomato Sauce/Puree Recipe preheat oven to 400 8 tomatoes 1...
We here at the Lavender Apple are getting ready for the Holidays and are in the process of putting together a number of gift basket with our products. We are also going to make baskets of all prices and varieties. Such as Culinary baskets with things like honey & herbs, Bath & Body baskets with soaps, oils & lotions and Home Goods...