
Insta Friday 4

8:04 AM
Welcome to another instagram upload! These include some of my favorite Lavender Apple photos yet. There's farm dogs, beautiful fields, and even a trip down memory lane to Paris. Enjoy! After a rub down with our Lavender Rosemary or Lemongrass Massage Oil, you won't know wether you should take a nap or pop yourself in the oven! #smellslikeheaven #massageoil #lavender #rosemary #lemongrass A...

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ground beef

Hearty Shepherds Pie

5:04 AM
This recipe is brought to us by Mike and Peggy's son Quentin. Quentin caught the cooking gene from his mother and loves to be in the kitchen. He whipped up this shepherds pie recipe from his imagination and boy is it good! Ingredients: 12 oz ground beef (85-90% lean) 1/2 bag frozen peas 1/2 large onion, diced 1 package of good brown gravy...

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baby shower

Chocolate chip cookies, a smores bar, & a woodland themed baby shower

7:56 AM
I was asked to help host a baby shower that looked like it literally came to life from Pinterest. One of my friends is a professional party planner and she was able to make this "woodland themed" baby shower come together perfectly.  It was complete with a trail mix station, a s'mores bar, and a woodland themed photo booth. It was amazing.  Hand...

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About the Lavender Apple Farm

8:14 AM
We have so many new blog readers here at the Lavender Apple. Welcome! To both old and new friends. I thought I should post a formal introduction to you all about the Lavender Apple.  A lavender farm has been a dream of mine for many years. After living in France for many years, along with time spent in Provence, my interest in lavender...

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Insta Friday 3

8:00 AM
Another round of Lavender Apple farm photos for you to enjoy! Be sure to follow us on instagram at the.lavender.apple to join in on the fun!  Milo is charge of gift wrapping all of the items in our shop this year. #animallabor #farmdog #nofilter #lavenderfarm #lavenderproducts #naturalgifts #organic4life #christmasgiftideas A photo posted by Lavender Apple (@the.lavender.apple) on Dec 15, 2014 at 4:58am PST...

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Natural Lavender Dog Soap

7:00 AM
Pet lovers LOVE our dog soap. Here at the Lavender Apple, we make our Lavender Dog Soap with natural goat's milk. Its free from all the drying and harmful chemicals that are in many dog soaps. Our dog soap even includes tea tree and neem oil which is healing for your dogs scalp. Those oils also help keep the bugs off of your...

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Popovers without a popover pan!

7:00 AM
Popovers are my fave. They are fluffy, buttery, and full of carbs. Who wouldn't love that combo? This particular popover recipe is my favorite because you can utilize just a regular old muffin tin rather than purchasing a fancy popover pan. The less gadgets cluttering my kitchen, the better, right?  My husband was utterly impressed impressed by this recipe and ate half the...

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Italian Soda Bar & Other Church Party Ideas

8:12 AM
I have been blessed to attend a church with ladies who like to party, (in the most fun gospel approved sense of the word party of course)! These pinterest packin' mommas are so fun to plan plot and party with. Here are just a few of the fun events they/we have put together this past year.  An Italian Soda Bar themed party. Make...

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essential oil

The best uses for Lavender Essential Oil

7:49 AM
There are so many different types of essential oils out there these days. If you are new user of essential oils, you may wonder what types of oils you should invest in. Surprisingly, when I ask essential oil users, if you could only use one essential oil ever again, which one would you choose? Their answer is consistently Lavender oil! It is the...

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Insta Friday 2

7:26 AM
As you probably noticed last week, we started a new blog feature called Insta Friday. We hope that all of our lovely blog readers also follow us on Instagram and Facebook. But we understand the reality that not everyone is on every social media platform. We will try to do a weekly catch up post and share some of our favorite Lavender Apple moments from Instagram here...

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bug spray

Lavender Water Organic Bug Spray

8:33 AM
One of my favorite Lavender Apple products is our Lavender Water. It is the perfect all natural and organic bug spray! It is especially amazing for kids! Who wants to cover their babies and kiddos in all those chemicals? Not this mama! When Peggy told me that she used her Lavender Water as a natural bug spray, I was skeptical. But then I...

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Melissa Lavender

8:40 AM
Melissa is one variety of lavender we grow here at the Lavender Apple Farm. Melissa is an english lavender. It's tightly compact pink and white spikes make this a great plant for borders in gardens or for a beautiful contrast in bouquets.  Melissa is our earliest bloomer.  It's delicate slightly lemon scent make it an excellent choice for use in savory dishes.   The Melissa essential oil is...

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Peggy's Ranch Rolls

8:16 AM
Sometimes your food is just so delicious, you don't care about taking a pretty photo. These rolls speak for themselves, so let your taste buds rather than your eyes do the talking.  (Taken from the Nelson Family Cook Book) 2 tbs dry yeast 1/2 cup warm water 2 eggs 1 1/2 cup warm milk 1/4 cup sugar 1 1/4 tsp salt 4 to...

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