How To Keep Your Carpets Clean Safely
5:16 AM
When I became a new mom, I realized just how important clean carpets were. I used to be the type of person that was annoyed when friends would ask me to remove my shoes in their homes. It just felt so awkward and actually a little rude sometimes. But then like many other things in my life, when I became a mother, all of that changed. I realized how much time my sweet little baby spent on the carpet. Face first on the carpet, face on the carpet, me laying on the carpet next to him, etc. Then when he became a toddler, the carpet love continued. All of our playing was done on our carpet. When friends came over, I was now the one asking them to remove their shoes. Sometimes maintenance men would come over and as they walked in and out and I couldn't catch them in time to remove their shoes, I would cringe. And those of us with pets know all too well how much of a lovely scent our beloved animals can leave behind.
Enter Lavender Carpet Freshener. Just a quick sprinkle of this stuff over my carpet and then a quick vacuum and I can rest easy.