Sunday Night Chuck Roast
5:44 AM
Forgive me, for I have sinned. What food blogger forgets to take a picture of her dinner before she eats it? This one. I'm so sorry. But it was just too dang good. I was so excited to eat it I didn't have the restraint to wait to chow down before I stuffed my face. Luckily for you I took a photo of my dirty dutch oven pot right when I grabbed this out of the oven, so you at least get an idea of the deliciousness. But a beautiful plate that will inspire you to make this recipe? You'll just have to use your imagination on that one, because my plate is already in the kitchen sink. #sorrynotsorry It was oh so good.
Ingredients: (serves 3-4)
2 pound chuck roast
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion cut into quarters
4 potatoes, sliced into quarters
1 cup prechopped frozen carrots
1 tablespoon beef bullion paste
1 cup water
1 cup red wine
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
lavender salt and pepper
There is just something that makes me so happy about having roast and potatoes for dinner. Happy eating!