Sweet Potato Enchiladas with Avocado Mole
5:40 AM
Sometimes when you invent a recipe, the food heavens align and everything turns out perfectly. That's how I felt the first time I made these enchiladas. They are creamy and full of unique delicious flavors. This recipe is actually incredibly healthy when it comes to most enchilada recipes I've seen; but it doesn't taste like a healthy recipe! The whole time we were eating my husband was like "Does this have cream in it? Does this have chicken in it? How much cheese did you use? It tastes like there is a rich mole on this! This recipe is a keeper! Best new recipe yet!" High praise. While this recipe doesn't have an expensive protein or unhealthy cream in it, it totally satisfies. I love meatless meals that my husband approves of! Plus it comes together in a snap, I love easy meals that my stomach approves of!