
LEEK AND POTATO SOUP (Potage Parmentier)

2:08 PM

While stumbling around my weed filled garden.  I notice I had a nice batch of leeks.  And, a couple of rows of Yukon Gold potatoes.  Put those two together you've got yourself a delicious soup to eat now that the weather is turning along with the leaves.  A nice warm bowl of "Leek and potato soup" is pure comfort food.  I've made this recipe for many years.  This soup is always a winner.  The perfect fall fair.  
                                                        Bon Appetite, Peggy


3 Tbs. butter
2 slices bacon, chopped
2 large washed leeks, chopped
2 lbs. potatoes, chopped
4 cups chicken stock
2 bay leaves
4 sprigs thyme
16 peppercorns
1/2 cup white wine
1 cup heavy cream

First thing to do is to wash the leeks.  Leeks are usually quite sandy, so chop off the tops and slice up the leeks exposing all the layers.  Hold the leeks under running water and wash well.  In a heavy sauce pan, melt butter and add bacon.  Cook bacon until all the fat has been rendered out, and the bacon is slightly crispy.  Next add potatoes, leeks, and onions.  Sauté until onions are soft approx. 5 minutes.  Add stock, bay leaves, peppercorns and thyme (tie the peppercorns in a small piece of cheese cloth.)  Simmer until potatoes are very soft.  Cream soup using either an immersion blender or counter-top blender until the potatoes are smooth or chunky ( I like it with some chunks of potato.)  Return to pan, if you used a counter-top blender,  and add cream.  Reheat slowly being careful not to let boil.  Correct seasonings.  Serve with a nice slice of rustic bread,  yum!

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