We just finished the Christkindlmarkt at 'This is the Place Monument'. And although the temperatures often dipped into the 1 digit numbers we loved getting to meet new people and to see the loyalty of returning customers as they braved the freezing cold weather to come to our booth. Next week, we have our last and final Holiday boutique show in Park City....
This Thanksgiving we are very grateful for loved ones near and far. And although life is not always easy nor predictable, we are grateful for the opportunity to make the best of all the wonderful things we've been given. From The Lavender Apple to you, Happy Thanksgiving! This thanksgiving I made pinecone turkey's with my grandchildren to set on the Thanksgiving table....
Mention this post and get a free lavender bundle! ($8 value) We are at Novemberfest in Logan today and tomorrow. Come by and sample our lotions, essential oils, homemade teas and jams etc., mention this post and get a free bundle of hand picked lavender. ...
Last weeks market in Park City was such a success and we had so much fun being a part of it that we are really looking forward to our next three markets! Check out where you can find us... For more information about Novemberfest in Logan, UT click HERE. For more information about Christlkindlmarkt in SLC click HERE. For more information about The...
Just a few of our favorite things... jams & jellys herbs & gourmet (simple) recipes lavender simple syrup & teas neck rolls lavender filled comfort hearts organic dog soap varieties of lavender infused goats milk soap lavender wands lavender sachets massage oils lotions essential oils lavender bundles variety of lavender infused lip balms These are a few of our favorite things... and they...
We are going to be at a boutique show in Park City this weekend! We will have a variety of wonderful gift baskets and Lavender Apple products for all of your gift giving needs this holiday season. For directions go to their website HERE. ...
This year was our first year of harvesting this beautiful silvery lavender. This variety is called 'Melissa' and is a perennial herb that grows to about 2 feet and can be used for culinary or decorative purposes. Below is a picture of us drying this gorgeous lavender in our cottage. I think it looks just heavenly. We use this variety of lavender in...
Sorry it's taken me so long to repost, I had some much needed surgery done last week and I am feeling much better. Winter is here and I haven't decided if I am ready for it yet. Above is a picture of our farm last year once Winter was in full swing. Lots and lots of snow. As promised, here are some pictures...
Every year we harvest our Lavender. The first year we planted we were able to harvest ourselves, but as the years have gone by and our lavender has grown we have needed to employ some extra hands. And these hands belong to some wonderful young people with a lot more energy and stamina than us older folk. (Below and above are just...
Fall in Cache Valley is simply spectacular! Below are some pictures of the old barn located on the dirt road that takes you to our lavender and apple farm. I also added some gorgeous photos taken of the Logan Canyons. Country living at its best. Below are some gorgeous pictures that capture the beauty and spectacular views as you drive through the Logan...
Tis the season to collect all those delicious vine ripe tomatoes and create something fabulous with them. As you know, I'm a big fan of roasting veggies. Their flavor becomes more rich through the roasting process. Each season I roast my tomatoes. I like to make spaghetti sauce, soups and stews with them. Roasted Tomato Sauce/Puree Recipe preheat oven to 400 8 tomatoes 1...
We here at the Lavender Apple are getting ready for the Holidays and are in the process of putting together a number of gift basket with our products. We are also going to make baskets of all prices and varieties. Such as Culinary baskets with things like honey & herbs, Bath & Body baskets with soaps, oils & lotions and Home Goods...
Since we moved to an apple farm/orchard with over 50 trees full of delicious vintage apples I have been looking high and low for a good caramel dipping sauce recipe. Well, the search is over. Here it is. If it is not THE best caramel sauce you've ever had, then... something is wrong with your taste buds. *just kidding - kindof* ;) C...
P l u m T a r t T a t i n It's time for picking plums. My daughter has about 8 Italian plum trees in her front yard. Last year they had a small crop, so this year they had a ton of plums. A delicious and simple recipe I like to make during this season is a plum...