Today for some reason I decided to clean out the chicken coop. After all it was a nice day, sunny and all. So why was I frozen to the bone when the task was completed? Once inside I checked the temperature, a chilling 2 degrees. But as you can see the chickens had fun! Peggy :) ...
With the holidays knocking at our doors. Here are some delicious and fun drink recipes using lavender simple syrup to make for friends and family. The recipes posted are family friendly. But if your inclined to make something a little stronger, I hear they are great too. Visit my new website . To thank you for all your support we are...
LAVENDER APPLE TART I read in a recent post that blogging is a "Winter Sport", how I agree. Now that the farmers Mkt. is finished for this year, I feel I can breath a little easier. But wait a minute, don't I have 50 plus bushels of apples waiting to be juiced, apple sauce and apple pie filling to be made. Guess I...
FRESH PEACH PIE WITH A HINT OF LAVENDER There is just one time of the year when peaches are at their best, and it's now! I have a couple of recipes that are a must when peaches are so perfect and in season. Fresh Peach Pie is one of them. Of course, a hint of Lavender makes it even better. In my...
STRAWBERRIES WITH LEMON SUGAR AND LAVENDER WHIPPING CREAM My strawberry patch is almost ready to harvest. I have a very simple but elegant dish that is easy to prepare. With a little advance planning you'll have a dessert to impress even the "foodie" in the group. In a small pan add 2 cups of cream along with 1 tsp. dried lavender buds. Heat...
I wonder if child labor laws are still in effect? This is how Henry looked after working in the Lavender fields all day. He loved every minute of it. ...
40 CLOVES OF GARLIC...WHAT ! This classic french dish is well loved. And is from my favorite little french cookbook "The Best of France". The very idea of cooking with 40 cloves of garlic would be unthinkable were it not for the fact the garlic is poached before adding it to the dish. Turning the garlic into a soft texture and sweet...
HOME SWEET HOME When you go on a trip, it's just plain nice to get back home. Even if the work is waiting for you. PLANTING..... Onions Carrots Peas Potatoes Beets Who said city girls don't get down and dirty? ...
I had this very memorable and different Huevos Ranchero at "Franks and Alberts" at the "Arizona Builtmore" in Phoenix. It's called the tower. So what you have are 2 simple fried eggs next to this delicious tower of fried flour tortilla , layered with sour cream, guacamole on a bed a spicy black beans. It sounds weird, but it was killer. To...
If I had a choice of where to eat French Onion Soup. I would Choose the Bistro across from the Paris Opera House. It's said the performers would wander over late at night after a performance. And indulge in their famous "French Onion Soup." I can just picture "Degas" ballerinas chatting while eating soup. I loved that Bistro too. But since I...
I love when asparagus starts appearing in the market. Asparagus is a sure sign that spring is on it's way. And I love so many recipes that use asparagus. I did a post last year about how to prepare it. As my readers know I love roasting most veggies, and Asparagus is no exception. Today I made a favorite salad. I've had...
I can't resist getting in on the Hunger Games frenzy. I must admit I'm a late comer. I just finished the book and loved all 374 pages. Food was a very important part of the book particularly the lack of food, the searching for food and the stuffing ones-self full of food. One dish that is talked about more than once is the...
Surprise filled cupcakes is another loved family recipe. This recipe came from my Jr. league cookbook called "A Pinch of Salt Lake". If you ever see one buy it, it's a good one. I saw one in perfect condition at the D.I. last year, and snatched it right up. Do you have a favorite recipe that when you make it, you always have...
If you ask me the definition of comfort food it's pasta, sausage and a yummy sauce. This Nelson comfort food has hit the spot with our family for years. It's really FAST and SIMPLE to make. And as you know i stand by and guarantee every recipe I put on my blog. I hope you try it and give me your feed...
Just thinking about Roz and Thad today. Last Saturday they moved into their beautiful new home in Trussville Alabama. Then I ran across my favorite wedding picture of them standing in front our our "65" Ford pick-up. Love them both..I mean them and the truck. Good luck ya'll Just thinking about Roz and Thad today. Last Saturday they moved into their beautiful new...
As I look outside at the rain, yes I said rain. I agree rain in January in Utah is weird, strange and bizarre. Luckily it's snowing in the mountains. I still miss the snow in my yard, not to mention to much rain isn't great for the Lavender. Anyway it's' certainly a good day for a nice hot bowl of Chili. My friend...
With grocery shelfs exploding with marshmallows in all shapes, sizes and colors you might not have thought to make your own. If the thought did cross your mind, the expectations of sticky and gooey may have crossed your mind too. Then again why would anyone make marshmallows when they sale delicious bags and bags of them at the store. It's all in the...